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EagleReturn of the Eagles to the Skagit River

Every year thousands of salmon migrate up the local rivers to spawn. After they spawn, they die and litter the banks of the river. Eagles congregate along the Skagit River near Mt. Vernon to feed on the spawned out salmon from December through January. Each year I like to drive to a section of the Skagit River between Rockport and Marblemount to see the eagles feeding. It is not uncommon to see a dozen eagles waiting in the trees along the river for dead salmon to float by or wash up on the shore.
The Tulip Fields in Skagit Valley

Tulip FieldsTulips and daffodils are grown in fields in the Skagit Valley. In late March and early April, the fields of daffodils and tulips Gallery of Tulip Varietiesblossom, creating an amazing display of color. Every spring I like to tour through the fields and see what tulip varieties are blooming. In addition to tulips, the Skagit Valley also serves as a stopover for migratory birds such as snow geese and trumpeter swans.